Downloadable plans INCLUDE website DOWNLOAD access!
Plans for the 25'-28' (7.6m-8.5m) Great Alaskan (Download only, Includes KODIAK) - Regular Price - Only $135
**Addendum for the 27'-30' (8.2m-9.1m) Great Alaskan Kodiak model (Download only - Adds to Standard plans set) - Regular Price - $29
Study Plans for the 25'-30' Great Alaskan (includes new Kodiak Model) (Download only) - $5
Printed plans INCLUDE website DOWNLOAD access!
Printed Plans for the 25'-30' (7.6m-9.1m) Great Alaskan (Free Shipping!) - USA Only Regular Price - $295 (includes KODIAK Addendum)
Printed Plans for the 25'-30' (7.6m-9.1m) Great Alaskan (Free Internat'l Shipping!) - Non-USA Regular Price - $395 (includes KODIAK Addendum)